Hi. I am a 33 year old female. I was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the bartholin gland 2 years ago, and had a hemi-vulvectomy and lymph node removal from my left groin. The cancer was removed successfully and no radiation was required. Since the surgery, I have had severe pain in my perineal area (my oncologist kept on telling me that the pain was probably due to scar tissue, and to wait it out and see if it would get any better.) I have decided to stop seeing that oncologist...I think I have a very high thresh hold for pain- I ve given birth to 2 children without pain medication). My concern is that the pain I am experiencing is a recurrence, as the tender area seems to be getting larger. It feels like a very deep bruise and it is more in my left butt cheek then near my vagina. I have an appointment with my gyno in 2 weeks. Do you think I should be worried? This has been getting progressively worse for 2 years.