Cramping in both ovaries, bubbly feeling in uterus and ovaries, headaches, nausea, vomiting, sore nipples, area around nipples are slightly darker, creamy white discharge, front of both legs hurt down by calf area. tired all day everyday, eating more, frequent restroom trips, diarrea,constipation. Loss of appetite. Sept 14 was my last period that was normal. October 12 period came two days early. Before october period I was having all the pregnancy symptoms minus the vomiting just severe nausea and being dizzy. Constipation kicked in after oct. Bleedimg. Three days after bleeding I went to the clinic for a pregnancy test. It was negative. Now its nov. 6 still having all these symptoms plus back pain, Chills, vomiting, heart burn, loss of appetite and extreme tiredness. Am I Pregnant or is this something else?