Hello, thank you for your time and information in advance. My Name is Deneicia. I actually have two question. Is that okay? If so, my question are as follows. My 7 year old daughter suddenly had a pain in her neck friday night. Within 5 minutes of her saying that her neck was huring, she developed a fever. Within 15 minutes of the fever she was sleep. I woke her up to ask her about her neck about a hour later, it had stopped hurting but she was extremely thirsty. It has been 24 hours and she is stil having frequent fevers every two or three hours, no other irritations other than stomach was hurting about a hour ago. She had a bowel movement and is now asleep. Should I take her to the E.R. Her fevers have been between 99.9-111.5. My next question is in regards to myself. I have been suffering with Bilaterial Galactoherria ( I pray I spelled it right) for over 8 years, however, this past eposide was the worst, I had pain and bloody discharge. All of my test came back negative. The test ran were MRI of my brain to see if I had a tumor on my P.G, mammogram to check for cyst, and I believe the ducts. My breast have been leaking milk, puss and blood, can you reccomend anything? My Email address is YYYY@YYYY and my number is 910-546-9887. Thank you!