Thanks for the query.
The possible causes for your
irregular periods are :
Hormonal imbalance leading to intermenstrual spotting, delayed periods etc.
- Thyroid hormonal abnormalities.
- Structural causes like fibroids, polyps etc.
As your cycles are irregular, it is difficult to say when you have to go for
pregnancy test.
If you had
unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation, there is possibility of pregnancy.
So go for
blood test for pregnancy, after two weeks of your fruitful coitus.
Blood test can detect early pregnancy more accurately compared with urine test.
For more details : http://srsree.blogspot.com/2012/05/pregnancy-tests.html
If the test comes negative, the possibility of pregnancy is less.
You can consult gynecologist and get evaluated to find out the exact cause for the irregularity of your cycles.
And take treatment accordingly.
Take care.