I am 14 days late for my period. 2 days after period was due I had 2 small clots and for three days pinkish when I wiped. That was it. I had severe bloating and pelvic ache. Not like a period, but cramping! The bloating has gotten a little better. Now, its after I eat. 2 days ago my breasts became sore. Only when they are touched. Like around the breasts and the nipple . Very sensitive. I had a tubal reversal in March. And an Hsg in October. So, we are trying to conceive. I have been having a lot of discharge. Some clear and watery. Some thick and creamy. Almost like thick snot. I passed a clear jelly like clot the size of a quarter about a week ago. I am 33. My temperature has gone up. But, it seems it gets higher throughtout the day. Am I pregnant?