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Your father is Diabetic type II and having
fluctuating blood sugar level as his HbA1c is 7.2,his blood sugar goes high.
You should visit Physician/
Endocrinologist to check and adjust the dose of anti diabetic treatment.
If he is long standing diabetes then effect on kidney by checking his urinary albumin and blood urea and creatinine.
If he is taking any other medicines then
drug interaction and changes in his diet or physical activity may induce
You need to monitor his fasting and pre lunch and pre dinner blood sugar level and treatment can be planned accordingly,if he is taking insulin dose should be reduced and can be titrated with the blood sugar level.
If he is taking oral drugs then one can stop evening dose and visit the doctor as soon as possible.
Once he is investigated and diet is planned I am sure his blood sugar level can be controlled and if any complication is detected it can be treated.
In diet he can do a
carbohydrate count and take the help of Dietitian.
Please take care
Good Luck