welcome to health care magic
for your kind information i will tell you one thing,that
cough persisting for more than 3 weeks could be
pulmonary tuberculosis but not 100%(definitely)..
For a pulmonary TB to diagnose sputum examination or
sputum culture is mandatory..with out these investigations no one can diagnose it as a TB..
Ok considering all these investigations done and positive for TB...
In tuberculosis infection
weight loss is seen,,in severe cases there will be muscle wasting also..so you can place him egg twice a day..no problem..
He should take treatment(4 kind of tablets) for at least 6 months definitely..after 14 days of regular treatment sputum is devoid of bacilli and he is not infective to others..cough also gets suppressed in due days..
ESR,,ESR will elevate in any kind of inflammation/infection not only with TB..
Presence of high ESR indicates that the body contains infection..
No dietary restrictions..provide him egg,if possible meat also..
hope you get satisfied with my answer..
consult chest physician for further suggestion
Have a speed recovery..
thank you