My wife has been diagnosed with Afib and started taking Warfarin in April of 2013. She has been on IRBESARTAN for years for BP which has been under control. She had an inner ear bleed in June which was originally diagnosed as an infection. An inner ear specialist later diagnosed it as a bleed caused by Warfarin. She had another one in July. On Sept 4 she switched from WARFARIN to XARELTO and was given DILTAZEM to slow her heart rate. She started experiencing dizziness (vertigo) on Sept 21. She has trouble with balance, nausea, fatigue with emotional and physical stress, sweating, and mild panic attacks. It was assumed one of these drugs was causing the dizziness. So DILTAZEM was discontinued and replace with METOPROLOL. The dizziness continued. On Oct 1 METOPROLOL was discontinued. The dizziness continued. On Oct 9 XARELTO was discontined and WARFARIN restarted the next day. The dizziness (vertigo) continues. She started back on METOPROLOL today. We have heard that vertigo can be caused by BPPV. My question is: is it possible the inner bleeds may be the cause of her dizziness (vertigo)? And if so what can be done?