My 17 yr. old daughter was diagnosed back in April 2013 with hemiplegic migraines. We are currently seeing neurologists at our Children's Hospital. Nothing seems to get rid of the headaches. She has tried headache cocktails, Topamax, toradol, propranolol, ketorolac, verapamil and various other meds, acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic treatments. She has had the latest headache since Oct. 20 with on and off bouts of vision loss and numbness, tingling, pins and needles on her left side and severe continuous headache pain. The week of Oct. 20 she was admitted to Children's via the ER for one week. However they ended up discharging her with a worse headache than before and told us there was nothing else they could do. Her CTs, MRI, and lab work all come back "normal". She is having pain at an "8", and is having trouble functioning. Any suggestions?