Good morning. I will try to summarize. I was Dx with a craniopharyngioma and underwent a craniotomy in June 2010 to have it removed. It recurred and in January 2011 I underwent transsphenoidal surgery to again remove it, followed by six weeks of radiotherapy. Ever since the first surgery I have experienced swelling of my forehead over my right eye. At least once or twice a month. However, with the heat the swelling increases. This summer the swelling is happening right over the bridge of my nose, in the center of the forehead, reaching a size and shape that resembles half an egg. When the swelling goes down my eyes are bruised and puffy for a couple of days. This is now happening on a weekly basis with at least 3-4 days of swelling. None of my doctors can seem to find an explanation. I am very worried. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.