Hello, chatfieldj,
You have been diagnosed to have gallstones and I am sure the reason
you went to the ER was because of severe right upper
abdominal pain,
may be
nausea and
vomiting. Probably, your sonogram showed the
gallstones. Usually a heavy fatty meal triggers the attack Orange
juice is essentially sugar and eventhough eventually it may be converted
to fat, the risk of getting an attack of
gallbladder inflammation is not seen.
I would not worry about that. Your
calorie restriction worries me.
If you are going to have your surgery , you want to make sure your
nourishment is good. As long as you cut back on fatty or greasy foods,
proteins are good. You can take some nutritional supplement like
Ensure or Ensure Plus or similar to improve your immune system so
that you will not have problems after surgery. I know that surgery will
be done through laparoscopic approach and usually it is same day
surgery, in and out.
Very rarely, for technical reasons or abnormal anatomy , they may
switch to open surgery.
I wish you well.