I was diagnosed with cyyptogenic organized pneumonia following an open lung biopsy in January 2011. I was on long term high dose prednosine treatment which I completed this July. Since that time I have been diagnosed with neuropathy in both feet bursitis in both hips, pain in all joints especially hands, feet and elbows, my tendons are very tender making it difficult to walk and a dry cough. My liver enzymes have been elevated. I also had severe muscle weakness and had 14 weeks of physical therapy. I am currently taking 60 mg of cymbulta. I also had a granular cell tumor in my esophogas in June. I do not smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol. Prior to all of this I was healthy and actually mountain climbing 3 weeks before getting micoplasm pneumonia which developed into cyptogenic organized pneumonia. Do you have any advice??
My physician did blood work this month and my ANA is positive and my ACE is slightly elevated. He suggests I see a rheumatologist for possible Lupus,