Hi. About 6 months ago I was diagnosed with a very small (3 x 1.5mm) aneurysm on c4 cavernous segment of the right interior carotid artery . I also have an absent or hypoplastic anterior communicating artery. About a week ago I developed a cough and then a runny nose with sneezing . Common cold . However, in one sneezing fit I felt my neck have a really strong pain and a very bad, throbbing pain in the back and middle of my head. I almost passed out and felt nauseous (didn t vomit ). This lasted for about 4-5 minutes. I sneezed again yesterday and the same thing happened for about 3 minutes. I have had a headache (back and center of head) pretty much since I got this cold. I saw a nurse practitioner who didn t look at anything other than my neck - bend head forward, back, turn left, turn right. She said I had good movement but I had a tightness in my neck. I can t imagine a time when I haven t. Two advil every four hours was what I left with. Is this something I should be concerned about? Are there symptoms of an aneurysm I should watch for that would be a good indication that I should go to the hospital? Am I just being a hypochondriac? Thank you.