Hi, I appreciate any assistance you could give me. WIthout going into my aunts whole history, the brief version is that she was diagnosed with stage4 ovarian ca. A massive debulking of the abdomen was done as well as a T.A.H. During SX, the Dr found that the cancer was wrapped around her colon as well. AT that time, she was also given a colostomy. Unfortunately seeds were left on the liver and diaphram as well as a small mass. She is undergoing Chem at this time. I lost my 38yr old sister to P.C, and my mother a few months ago from Lung Ca. I am my aunts only caregiver and was wondering what your educated guess would be with regard to prognosis? I haven't asked her Oncologist to date because she is always in the room with me and doesn't want to know. My sister didn't want to know her prognosis either but as her primary caregiver as well, I managed to catch her doc alone, so I was prepared as best as I could be to lose her in 8 short weeks.