My step dad was diagnosed with tongue cancer in March 2012. He had part of his tongue removed, and neck dissection. He had 8 weeks of radiation and chemo. (June-Aug) Scans in October found cancer was still in his mouth and metastasized to his spine. He began chemo again and had scans in January 4, 2013 which looked like the cancer was at bay. He continued with chemo, and during his weekly visit to the hospital for treatment, new mouth sores had occurred. Scans were done again April 4 2013 and the cancer is active again, spreading more in the mouth, spine, now with bulging in his back and in the lymph nodes under his left arm pit. Which the lymph nodes under the left arm pit where new this time. Doctors said it's time to stop the chemo, it doesn't appear to be working anymore. How long does my step dad have and should we be looking in to hospice?