I believe I was infected with salmonella via a chicken salad sandwich on Thursday about 11am - and by 10pm I was experiencing explosive watery diarrhea and extreme chills with abdominal pain, wretching nonproductive vomiting (post Gastric Bypass 7yrs)....this continued until I had not urinated for 16 hours and had lost 14 pounds on the scale in 36 hours and was tachycardic 130bpm with a low bp 90/62...I went to ER, received 3 liters saline and urinated 50 cc, was sent home...I am now experiencing constant sweats with diarrhea slowing to every 3 hours. WBC , eisinophils below normal at er lab, other indicators of dehydration as expected...the sweats are a change - is this normal and what is the cause? or mechanism that is occuring in this infectious process?