Hello and welcome to HCM,
The interpretation of your
semen analysis is as follows:
1. The physical features- volume, color, viscosity, liquefaction and pH are within normal limits.
2. The sperm concentration is low. For normal conception, at least 20 million sperms should be present per ml of semen.
3. The motility of the sperms is only 44%. Normally at least 50% sperms should show active motility.
4. At least 50% sperms should have normal morphology. In your case conception is not possible with such low normal morphology.
5. The presence of white blood cells indicates infection of the genitourinary tract.
The infection needs to be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
After treating of the infection, semen analysis needs to be repeated.
If the results are similar to the current report after clearance of the infection, then there is no possibility of conception.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal