Chest pain due to Heart diseases is called as Angina . Classical features include pain in left side of chest , radiating to left arm , left neck or at times to Back . It is often associated with sweating ,
restlessness , fear and vomiting . Pain is relieved with rest or
sorbitrate tablet . The pain is often exacerbated by physical exertion , emotional excitement or heavy meals .
In cases similar to this , we strongly recommend preventive cardiac check up which shall include
1 Clinical examination with BP assessment
Lipid profile , Blood sugar
3 ECG , 2D Echo cardiography and at times stress test
4 Diet & Lifestyle modification consultation
pain in Heart burns is due to increase acidity , often in the center of chest , burning and releived with food or vomiting . There is no sweating or
radiation . Antacids also help in relieving pain .
Hope this will help you .
Schedule a preventive check up at earliest for your friend .