Hi, About 3-4 hours ago i had a rough sexual intercourse with my partner, and as usual, i felt slight discomfort that felt like a pinch whilst the first penetration was happening. I suppose it s due to my vagina not being moist enough, but it s never caused me a problem like this before! So, once we were finished i noticed my left labia minora being swollen about three times its size, and it had changed color to purple-blackish, sort of like a bruise . I m very concerned since this is the first time that something like this happens! The swelling doesn t pain or itch , it just feels slightly uncomfortable when touched. I read something about applying ice to the place, will that help? How long before the swelling goes away? I m 17, have been having intercourse with the same partner for a year, 100% positive on not having any STDs. Please help!