Hello, my name is AAAAA, i am a 24 year old male and have had a few weird symptoms in the last few weeks. I have always been in good health and haven t had any serious medical conditions (mostly breaks, accidents etc). From 2010- 2011 I had a very intense workout regimen fr about a year and a half (gym, running, hiking very intensely). I did this all without any complication, despite the fact i have smoked marijuana daily for the last 4 years. But in the last 8 months I have been mostly sedentary, and just about 4 weeks ago I had a few weird feelings in my body (which is new to me). I first felt a wierd discomfort in genital/ anus area, so i went to get an STD check. Tested negative for Syphillis, chlamydia , hiv , and gonnorhea. Then I started feeling bloating and discomfort in my stomach, and began to have really bad gas and green, uncharacteristically stinky poop. Then in the last two weeks I have had pains in my chest , mostly on the left side behind and under the breast (internal). I got a physical with my doctor, and she said my lungs and heart sound fine (using stethoscope). two weeks ago, I started running hard to see if indeed it was my heart or lungs. I feel mostly fine during my run, and even with pushing up the intensity, my heart and organs seem to be working fine even with intense excercise. But during the day, and at rest sitting, lying or stnding I feel these weird pains in my chest, and still have other symptoms as well (except I m eating better now). Any idea what this may be? I got a physical and all checked out fine, but I know my body and something feels a bit off. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You, AAAAA