Hi, off and on, my inner labia minora , on only ONE side (left side) is stiff as a rock and insanely itchy and irritated; it comes and goes, this is the third time in two months it has become this irritated. It starts off itchy, and its so unbearable that i itch it, than the swelling will begin; It has swollen so much one time, I iced myself down there for about an hour before it went down. I am 17 and have had 7 sex partners, I am currently with a guy faithfully and do not stray, although we have only been seeing each other exclusively for about a month and a half... I was active and knew i needed to take responsibility and contact a gynecologist; that I did. Because I am without insurance she only tested me for chlamydia , gonorrhea , and syphilis . She also prescribed me a birth control at that time, which I started two days ago. I did however, test positive for Chlamydia, she prescribed both my boyfriend and I treatment for that, it has been almost three weeks since that treatment. I was than given the HPV (first string) shot. She will retest me in about 3 more weeks to see if the infection is still there. I am currently on my period (started two days ago.) I do have an appointment to a health care center to be tested for everything else. When my gynecologist checked me out, she noticed NOTHING out of the ordinary; or at least didn t say anything. I have no sores, painful blisters or anything around my vagina, mouth, anus or bodily openings... I am fair skinned although, and have super sensitive skin, and suffer from quite a bit of ingrown hairs a few days after I shave; they get like small little inflamed zits on the surface (just like on the face) and I will pop them to get the hair out. NOTHING That looks like the herpes pictures I have seen. Although I am terrified that I may have that... Just because I know a lot of symptoms can be a bunch of different things - I have researched my butt off and cannot find more information about my symptoms. I am so scared - and went through a time where I was unsafe, uneducated, and careless because of a breakup. NO excuses, but I am scared and freaking out. It s just red, inflamed, itchy, swollen, and SUPER STIFF. Not like a hard lump, but STIFF all together. It s not constant, and not painful...just feels extremely awkward and uncomfortable to walk around while its swollen. After the intense itching and urinating burns a little, like its going over a cut. All the soaps I use are unscented (other than shampoo) which I don t put near my vagina. I honestly just rinse and wash my labia with water ONLY, and a washrag or my hand. I have though, when I shave but a soap bar near it (that soap has changed many times between these occurrences.) I do not use shaving cream, and I buy fairly new razors; if they are dull I replace them and I am careful. I am educated and understand; I want to have a doctors opinion (a few actually would be great) and hopefully no judgement will be made. I am scared and really want some positive things right now; WHAT ON EARTH COULD THIS BE? Could this be HIV or a different STD? Bartholan (unsure of spelling) cyst/gland? Please, please, please, and thanks.