Hi welcome to Health care magic forum, In such case we should deal very care fully , as it is a delicate issue, of delicate minds. It usually caused due to some psychological reason. Might be concerned with parents, teachers , or collegue students, criticising him about his habbits, dress code, writing etc. Ask the doctor to examine for hypo
thyroid condition.
Besides medicines, he should have a peace of mind in the school and at home. we should see that he is not getting insulted . we should ask him whether he got any problems at school, if possible try to solve them. Never utter the words that the boy is bad or not upto the mark, or never insult him when he fails in exams.
Dont take him often to the doctor, Simply take doctors advise in abscentio. Encorrage him to play the games he is interested. Dont discourage any game.
Give him good diet, and the died he is interested, besides it should be balanced diet, and having energy,
proteins, minerals,
vitamins and fats, as well.
Dont worry, he will be fine, and thanks for calling.