should I try to be seen by is Saturday, and I had severe Vertigo like trouble for several hours last night. am 80 yr old woman with various illness. i woke to go to bathroom, and soon as I began to sit up and move, I felt swooping dizziness, tried to get up, lurched around hitting furniture and falling, awaoke husband who had to support me to get to bathroom...I crawled back on floor lest I fall again. it was like being in a ship in dreadful storm plus like earhqake under feet. my thoughts seemed clear, but it seemed as if problem was in my head....which felt extrememly heavy and as if filled with heavy liquid sloshing so that I was lurching about! OK this AM . No earaches etc.
should I try to see a doctor today? thanx! if there is a fee for this service via internet, please cancel my question.