I m a 51 year old female who has been extremely dizzy, nauseated, having chest pains, and edema . My BP has been elevated even though I m on medicaiton for it, and my heart rate has elevated 20 points per minute. I went to the doctor for this and my EKG is abnormal , showing a block and an extra beat, and my liver function tests are elevated. My glucose is normal, as is my CBT . My bad cholesterol is high, my good cholesteral not as bad, and my liver function tests are elevated . I have an appointment with a Gastro to look into that, a nuclear stress test and ultrasound of my heart scheduled, and they have a Neuro scheduled (I also have PTC) to see if that s the cause of the dizziness and edema. I m concerned about all these tests and what could it mean? should I be scared?