Hi my 12 year old had a ultrasound today ad they posted the results , can you please explain it was a for neck thyroid.... FINDINGS: The thyroid gland is normal in size and shape. Thyroid echotexture is mildly heterogeneous although without defined focal lesions. With color Doppler there is normal perfusion. There is incidental visualization of a few scattered tiny cystic anechoic areas, the largest one in the right lobe measuring 2 mm most consistent with incidental colloid cyst. The right lobe measures 5 cm long x 1.4 cm AP x 1.3 cm transverse, for a volume of 5.7 mL. The left lobe measures 5.2 cm long x 1.3 cm AP x 1.6 cm transverse, for a volume of 5.6 mL. The isthmus measures 0.2 cm in thickness. No focal mass, or contour abnormality is seen. There is no adjacent adenopathy.