Hi Dear, welcome to HCM,
Since you had your menses, the probability of you being pregnant is very low. Sill if you wan to confirm it, you may perform urine
pregnancy test and/or
ultrasonography 8-10 days after the expected date of
menstruation. This will release your tension.
Your symptoms of irregularity in menstruation and mood swings is suggesting pre-menopausal syndrome. Along with mood swings, you may get
nausea also. You have not mentioned your age. If your age is around or 40+ years, this
fits in pre-menopausal syndrome. Though it can be confirmed by blood levels of hormones, I do not feel it necessary.
If it turns out to be pre-menopausal syndrome, you may be offered
hormone replacement therapy. However, I feel, you can manage these symptoms by diet modifications, life style modifications and some amount of
counselling. Please include basil leaves, bean sprouts, soya in different forms, green leafy vegetables in your diet. Phytoestrogens will help you to come out of this phase.
Daily exercise in fresh air is very important. One hour in the morning just after the sun rise and one hour just before the sun set is best time for the open air exercises. Walk of minimum 40 minutes with a pace of 90 step per minute would help you.
Please try to develop and maintain positive thoughts and attitude. Your spouse's contribution in this is of paramount importance.
Report to your Gynaecologist if you are really uncomfortable. Hormone replacement therapy if at all advised, may be taken for short period to avoid its future ill effects.
I hope this guidance should help you.