I m 20yrs of age and my fiance and I have been trying to conceive for four months now. I haven t been on birth control in over a year. I was on and off three months at a time on birth control for 4 years. Last year I had gotten gonorrhea. I had it for about two weeks. Every since I started having periods at age 10 they have never been regular. I would go months with an period. Starting Jan (2015) I have had a period every month on time. They would last 3 days max. Before then they would last 5days. Last month (April) my period was two days late and I had a clot bigger than a quarter on my pad on the first day. That period lasted two days and became regular on the second day. This month (May) I was one day late. I had sex the day I was expecting to have my period. I had a little brown streaks in my panties that morning.next day I went to go urinate and it looked like a small pink plug had came out. About an hour later when I urinated again, clots of blood came out about the size of a dime or smaller. Later that day and the next two days, my period was brown. I would use one pad on each day. But when I wiped, I had very light pink blood on tissue. Its been 4 days since my period and I m still cramping and having backache, chest pain at times, urinating more frequently , bloated and fatigue. I really wish I conceived this month. Im planning on taking a pregnancy test by the end of the week , but I don t want to get my hopes up. My fiance is starting to give up.