You are correct that this product can lower the appetite. And, to assure you about the
steroids, there are no steroid ingredients in this product. I had to look this product up three times due to the differences in ingredients between databases but finally narrowed them down to the following:garcinia cambogia, green tea, greenselect phytosome green tea, purple tea with GHG, natural caffeine,
theobromine and higenamine.
Caffeine and theobromine are both "diuretics" meaning they cause you to lose water weight, not gain it as you mentioned you were "blowing up." They can also cause your
heart rate to rise. The evidence behind usefulness of garcinia cambogia is not to be found as far as effectiveness in weight loss.Now the higenamine has been determined to be unsafe when taken orally according to the supplement database Examine.com. It acts as a stimulant and I would be concerned particularly with any possible interaction with medications or heart conditions.Green Tea can be helpful in weight loss if taken correctly in the right amounts.
Weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds a day so if I knew what period of time you are looking at weight gain, your medications and health conditions perhaps I could see a clearer relationship as to answering your query.
Exercise and portion control are still the best places to begin your
weight loss plan.
Kathy Shattler, MS,RDN