Brief answer :
You should stop the treatment and check SGOT , SGPT, GGT, FA after three months.
Detailed answer:
Thank you for sharing this question in HCM.
The elevation of the
liver enzymes levels (SGOT, SGPT, GGT, FA), is a known side effects, of statins such as
Crestor. Generally, the raise of GGT levels in blood is associated with high levels of SGOT, SGPT too.
Even though, in case of an increase of three times higher of the normal range of liver enzymes levels in blood, is obligatory the interruption of the medication.
For now, you must go on with a balanced diet and physical activity for at least three times a week , for not less than 40 minutes a day. You should consume a diet rich in fibers and low fat content.
Don't use alcohol, or medications which may harm liver such as
augmentin (antibiotic),
nitrofurantoin (antibiotic), etc.
You should have an other check of SGOT, SGPT, GGT, FA after 3 months.
It is important to check the CPK levels in blood, which may be rised up from statin usage too. If it is within normal ranges for now, than you should check the CPK level only in case of
myalgia (
muscle pain).
Hope this was helpful to you .
Please feel free to contact me , if you need any other clarifications.
Kind regards,
Dr. Juarda