Hello Doctor, I have polysistic ovary syndrome, I couldn t ovulate by myself, so after having a 20 mm follicle I took an hcg injection on the 19th cd, had intercourse 24 and 36 hours after the injection. I have been taking duphaston twice daily since the 21st cd ( in addition to folic acid, baby aspirin, and glocuphage 750 XR) Today is the 25th cd, I feel tired, i have some weird feeling in my abdominal, i have back ache, my nipples are sore, i have twinges in my breasts sometimes. But mostly i have strong heartbeat that i can feel all the time, especially in my uterus, But it feels stronger and more disturbing when i try to sleep at night. My question is, can I be pregnant? Or are these side effects from duphaston ?