I am now reading that famtodine can cause shortness of breath in older females. I am 59, with rheumatoid arthritis for 35 years, well controlled with minocycline.
a month ago I began having shortness of breath with crackling in lungs, which can be cleared somewhat by coughing up small amounts of phlegm. I was kept I observation at the ER, given a stress test bloodwork etc and all was well. The only thing off was elevated troponin in the first of 3 bloodtests. (not high enough to suggest heart attack though) I have had this shortness of breath with crackles off and on ever since-over a month now, and had been taking famatodine with each dose of minocycline on mon, wed, fri. I stopped taking the minocycline and today felt good. then tonight I took a famatodine alone, and began experiencing the issue again. Is this the culprit?