Hello Docs,
I am living with Sideroblastic anemia (RARS per FAB) for the past 10 years. My hemoglobin went down from a steady 6.0 to 4.0 and that was due to Revlimid. Azacytidine temporarily boosted my Hg to 11.5 in 2004, but after that, it too failed. My first doc put me on Thyroid tablets (100mcg/day) to improve my hypothyroidism. As a result of RARS, I developed secondary hemachromatosis. Mainstream medicine gave up on me.
But I did NOT! I have been keeping myself updated with research on this condition and a few weeks ago stumbled upon the Fungii aspect of cancers and how Iodine is efficient in killing all pathogens including Bacteria, Virus and Fungus. I delved further into that angle and started supplementing myself with Kelp tablets, providing my body 1mg to 1.5mg of Iodine. In that past 2-3 weeks, my energy levels have improved considerably and I feel energetic throughout the day. My feet skin which was very dark now has become at least 50% lighter and I feel very lively. Interestingly, I did not have even a quarter of this energy while on Thyroid tablets all these years. I am now able to run up and down the stairs and lift heavy items like suitcases and grocery over longer distances without exhaustion.
I strongly feel that this has got to do with increased Iodine intake because I am seeing this radical improvement only within the past 10-15 days. I'd like to know your expert thoughts the role of Iodine in curing RARS.