Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? my name is pegah , I am 32 years old and this is my first pregnancy. I have never had miscarriages but when I started bleeding (hematoma) at 12 weeks my Dr decided to give me Proluton depot 500 mg injections. I have had 9 of them and the last one was week 20 (i think)...the hematoma was gone by week 19. i also take prenatal vitamins, extra iron, and a baby aspirin 80 which my Doc will not let me come off just yet. I am now 32 weeks pregnant and all scans have been good so far. I read on WWW.WWWW.WW that proluton 500 mg is category D and it has horrible side effects on the baby. i have not slept since then and have been crying as I am so scared i have permenantly damaged my baby. why would they adminster such a horrible drug? what are the chances that my baby may have future defects? I know my Dr gave me the shots cause it took me 2 years and a month of Clomet to get pregnant and she was and is paranoid I might lose the baby so she did everything to keep the child. But if I knew the side effects of proluton I would never agree to it. Please give me your opinion as I am going crazy and have no one to turn to. Please help. I also read that this drug is not given in any of the advanced countries anymore (i live in Iran).