looking for official link between simvastatin and periferal neuropathy. began developing periferal neuropathy after started taking simvastatin 10 years ago in big toe, slowly progressed accross toes, got some swelling top of foot infront of big toe, taking water pill for that and high blood pressure for years now too, numbness creeped down mid foot, developed feet that got and stayed cold (i m hot blooded, so wearing slippers for first time 2-3 years ago a real change, numbness increased, then feet also got hot and stayed hot, after a few years that is painful when staying hot. Along the way had night cramping of lower leg muscles and numbness of hands/arms when sleeping - wore two wrist braces at night on and off for months this problem comes and goes, but now soreness and tightness of lower leg muscles or tendons and reached bad point i am now calling pain.