Hi Doctor, Does Tab Oflox Oz taken by Mother after delivery for 5 days lead to transient hypothyroidism in newborn? My newborn daughter 12 days old shows very high TSH (ECLIA) =591 micIU/mL, Low FT4 (ECLIA) - 023 ng/dL Thyroid scan shows mildly enlarged thyroid gland, %uptake of tracer by gland: 6.5%, homogenious uptake in both lobes, No salivary uptake. Please advise if I should start Thyroxine 38.5 mcg immediately for baby. baby weight is 3.1 Kg, height 49cm, passing motions, urine, no constipation, no jaundice, no other symptoms (APGAR score at 1& 5: 9/10, 9/10) I need to consult peadiatric endocrynologist, please let me know if available Thanks, KK