I am 58 years old male. I have had episodes of ADHD symptoms throughout my life that have been brought on by stress. I hv SSRI drugs including buspar but have not been effective. Xanax worked well during episode 40 years ago but Dr. Did not want to prescribe because it s habit forming. This past Nov. I visited neurologist for brain fog, inattinitive, focus, concentration, unable to complete tasks, fatigue, etc.. A brain scan and other brain tests did not reveal any abnormalities, etc. my Dr prescribed ritalin for Narcolepsy. 2-10 mg a day. My symptoms have subsided. I consulted my psychotherapist whom I have had sessions with for 25 years. He said symptoms based on history were anxiety related and some depression. He s not a Dr. To prescribe meds but said that ritalin would not help the anxiety? Ritalin gives me the energy needed during the day and am more focused and mentally alert without increased anxiety, a positive effect. Wondering if Visteril can interact with ritalin to help with the muscle tension relating to anxiety. Or stop taking ritalin and try taking prozac for treatment of the anxiety and mild depression? Improved but confused.