I ve battled with high cholesterol for many years, 10-15 at least. First iven a statin drug 2007 or 08 but was allergic to it. I broke out with small bumps/rash around my mouth, inside my mouth & few other symptoms I can t remember at this time. My doctor took me off that drug & told me not to ever take statin drugs again & at that time there wasn t anything else I could take. My numbers were high, close to 400, so I tried to control it with diet choices. The numbers wouldn t come down very much. 2013 I was given another drug, I can t remember that one bt I was also allergic to it. With numbers around 300 I tried hard to control it with diet still bt not much luck. Now my new doctor wanted to give me another statin drug bt I m still allergic. So she s given me another drug, Zetia & said it isn t a statin drug bt many family/friends hv said it really is. I ve been taking it now for about 3wks & haven t noticed any outstanding symptoms bt I seem to be having excessive lethargy in general, irritable, seems like muscle weakness . So my question is- Does Zetia have ANY statin drugs in it? & Exactly what is in Zetia?