Hello, I m a 21 years old male soon to be 22 in June. I started taking Zoloft when I was 9 for “separation anxiety” after a diagnosis made by my psychiatrist at the time. I started at 25mg and the dose increased over the years up to 200mg a day (in the last 4 years) after I starting having panic attacks in my teenage years & was diagonised with mild OCD later... Now the thing is, I ve been dealing with a lot of fatigue lately alongside other symptoms such as photo phobia, brain fog, derealisation, tinnitus, weakness in knees & joints, visual snow (basically dots across my visual fields & some after images)... My psychiatrist doesn t think Zoloft is causing this. Nonetheless, I m very concerned, I ve been reading on the internet about people taking much lower doses for a shorter periods and yet complaining of side effects. I on the other hand, have been on Zoloft for more than 11 years (almost 12), and my dose is 200mg (highest dose approved by the FDA). It worries me a lot that they gave it to me at such a young age (9 to be exact) at a time my brain was developing and before puberty... I m afraid it s becoming toxic to my body by messing with my brain chemistry over the years making me numb & like a walking zombie (feelings of apathy & demotivation). So what do you, from a professional perspective, think about all of that ? Does Zoloft play a role in my symptoms ? Is it dangerous to take such a high dose for this long period ? I just want to add I also take Tegretol 200cr twice a day for other unrelated issues. (Seizures...) Any advice would be highly appreciated, as I m really worried about this, it s keeping me up at night ... Should I consider taking the risk of decreasing Zoloft, as it may or may not be the cause of my symptoms of derealization, brain fog, as well as all the listed above ?