Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that you have almost recovered from injury. The accident and sudden airbag opening can cause
injury over face or skull
pressure over face
tear of scalp or facial vessels, mostly veins
sudden jerk can cause
concussion or spine injury
These complications can be ruled out by observing signs and symptoms
: redness and swelling over face
: black eye or bruise, pain
: headache, visual blurring, short memory deficit, sometimes loss of consciousness
neck pain,
tingling sensation in extremities, needle like pain sensation in neck radiating to extremities
If you are having any of above signs or symptoms, you should consult ER. Meanwhile at home, you can
: Apply icepacks at swelling site
: Take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription. It also decreases swelling and redness
: Keep your head at higher level than chest
: Take bed rest
: Avoid mental and physical stress for at least one week
If still no relief,
consult doctor.
Hope it will help you. Take care. Thanks.