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Head Injuries Questions & Answers

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2 1 Thu, 30 May 2019
Hello, I fell two weeks ago and hit my head on the pavement. I instantly developed a huge lump on my forehead. Went to the ER and they did a CAT scan and said that other than the hematoma on my forehead, everything was normal. After much icing, the lump did go away. However, in the last few days,...
2 1 Mon, 25 Mar 2019
I am an active, 138 lb, 5 2 , 71yo woman. I fell while backing up, landing on my lower back (center, right above my buttock crack) & hitting the occipital area of my skull on the concrete one week ago. I never lost consciousness, did not bruise or get any swelling on my lower back or skull. I...
2 1 Fri, 15 Mar 2019
I week ago I fell and hit the back of my head very hard on the door frame. The spot where I hit my head swelled up to the size of a silver dollar. The swelling has gone down all but a size of a nickel. The area is still very sore. I did not pass out and seemed fine. since it has been a week and...
2 1 Fri, 1 Feb 2019
I hit the back of my head on a wooden gate handle and the handle is made out of metal I did not draw blood or anything but I need to know what the signs of a concussion are cuz after I hit my head and left it up I got dizzy for a few minutes do I need to go see a doctor tomorrow
3 2 Thu, 31 Jan 2019
My brother in law bumped his head ( top of head) on amenable beam. All scans indicate nothing wrong, but he wakes up with terrible headache, unable to look down, difficulty doing everyday work like sweeping, mopping , ringing in his ears etc. could this be neck injury and injury to cerebellum?
2 1 Thu, 31 Jan 2019
I got pushed really hard into my wooden bed headboard. I was sitting strait with my back against the headboard as my friend jumped on me and now I have a big bump on the back of my head that hurts. I didn t faint, vomit or anything but did have a slight headache. I still have the bump, but I am...
2 1 Thu, 31 Jan 2019
I fell about a week ago and banged and cut my forehead and got a black eye as I was wearing my eyeglasses. I am pretty much healed and didn t really have a headache or anything last week. Today, I am back at work and have a headache and I have a little nausea.
14 1 Thu, 27 Dec 2018
Hello, I am a 31 year old female & I am pretty much at my wits end, I had a car accident about 10-12 years ago & had severe whiplash to the extent where I couldn t walk for about 2 weeks, I had head injury and leg injury. Over the years I have been getting bad heads, aching all over & sometimes...
2 1 Thu, 20 Dec 2018
I have had general-mal seizures in the past. I currently take 500mg s of Keppra twice a day to prevent any more. I ve had to stop playing physical sports such as ice hockey due to the risk of further damaging my brain (I m 34). After 5 total days in the hospital we were unable to figure out the...
7 2 Wed, 19 Dec 2018
well hi im caelan I am 13 year old and I need your help.ever since I was a little kid I have felt like 3rd grade I ran into a pole full speed and I had a HUGE bump on my head.after about a year ive felt different.i don t feel real I feel high and since all these simtums ive been having...
14 1 Mon, 3 Dec 2018
I hit my head hard 3 hours ago during training and now, I still feel dizzy but it s tolerable unlike after sparring. I rested, put ice and what not (I did not try to sleep cause they told me it will make things worse) and then, while bathing, I also found tiny traces of blood on my booger so I...
15 2 Fri, 30 Nov 2018
Hi I hit my head a week ago and I slept for 14 hours that night (which is not unusual) and I ve been feeling more dizzy since then. I had a very long headache yesterday and there is a slight pain at the back of my head now... the only reason why I m concerned is because when I hit my head a week...
9 1 Fri, 30 Nov 2018
I hit my head hard 8 month ago on concrete and got a massive flash then had concusion and felt like I was going to pass out, but didn t go to hospital at the time but got refurred to get a mri scan which came bacl clear. I have never felt the same since the accident, get headaches everyday all...
13 2 Fri, 30 Nov 2018
on friday i was having a shower in a bath and slipped and hit the back my head i went to the dr and they did eye tests and whether i could balance and walk with my eyes closed n i was fine. then i went to the hospital to check if i would need a CT - hypochondriac i know, but now it´s sunday and...
3 2 Fri, 30 Nov 2018
A object fell on my head pretty hard Thursday morning at work and shortly after I had trouble focusing and feeling dizzy. I woke up the next day feeling nauseous, tired, dizzy and disoriented throughout the day. I didn t feel nauseous today but still feeling dizzy and hard to focus. I m thinking...
12 1 Fri, 30 Nov 2018
Hello! Last Monday, I was helping a friend in her house and bent over a computer printer in order to move it, not realising that there was a shelf above it. The sharp corner of the shelf impacted against the left hand side of the top of my head just off centre towards the front of my skull...
12 2 Thu, 29 Nov 2018
a week ago I took a softball about 65 mph to the facemask that fouled off a bat while I was in the catching position. I get hit like this a lot but this one really rung my head. I was dizzy but I kept playing. I had headaches right after and am still having them a week later. I have ringing in my...
7 1 Fri, 23 Nov 2018
Last Monday I feel and hit my head. As I was laying on the couch I felt and heard a pop on the right top side of my head. About 15 minutes later I got a dull headache from the place where I felt the pop The pain seems to go from the right side of my forehead to the back ride side of my skull....
2 1 Tue, 13 Nov 2018
I fell down a full flight of stairs a year ago. Suffered a concussion, broken neck, broken rib and many contusions. I am 71, female, and have a history of RRMS. Leg collapse at the top of the stairs caused this fall. I had experienced several right leg collapses before that date, from the MS. At...
3 2 Tue, 6 Nov 2018
The back right quadrant of my skull in still numb two months after a head injury. The emergency room CAT scan showed no brain injury, and announced it was just an abrasion, despite a HUGE knot, However, two weeks later I discovered that I had actually suffered a deep puncture wound at the base of...
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