I took a lipid panel was all normal but my urine came back for Hayaline Casts, Creatinine, Serum low, high chloride level, Protein was low, mucus present in urine and my CBC was Component Your Value Flag WBC 5.8 x10E3/uL RBC 3.93 x10E6/uL Hemoglobin 7.4 g/dL Low Hematocrit 25.9 % Low MEAN CORPUSCULAR VOLUME 66 fL Low MCH 18.8 pg Low MCHC 28.6 g/dL Low RDW 19.3 % High Platelets 417 x10E3/uL High I have had bllod transfusions in a few months ago because I bleed alot from uterine fibroids but what does all of this mean?