I have been really sick over the last month. I am usually up and going everywhere and doing everything, but I got some kind of virus, and I lost my voice. They didn t figure that out, but i was told by throat specialist that i had acid reflux and permanent damage to my vocal chords. Seeing a speech therapist soon. But i have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes type 2 (right on the borderline), but the last two days at around 4 i just hit like a wall and I am exhausted and barely can get myself to the car. I have cold chills for about 2 hours and i wrap myself in a comforter. then i am hot. and exhausted. I and 54 and overweight seriously overweight. I used to be a runner and athlete with scholarship to college to run, i am a mess right now. I was really scared today because the same thing happened to me today. I got chills at work and went home and had them for about 2 hours. i still have problems with my throat too.