Hello doctors, I m Misty 19yrs olds 145 5 2. in jan i missed my period. feb i got it for 3 days. march i got it i the morning 5 days heavy bleeding bad cramps but at 9 oclock at night it stoped cramps bleeding. from the 15th to the 20th i had. so that monday i started birthcontrol few days affter that i started getting sharp pains in the stomach so i continued to take it for a week it started getting worse so stoped and went to see my doc about it he prescribed diffrent birthcontrol. i havn t recived my period ever since i took 5 pregancy tests the came back not pregant. i went to the doctor they said it might be because i do drugs, (weed, extacy, mushrooms). they did blood work and urnine work. she said everything came back normal nothing to be concernd about. should i be concerd or not? is it normal? should i get another opion? could drugs be the problem. please help mee. i;m very concerd, thanks soo much for your time i appercate it alot.