About 3weeks ago I mowed grass and ground was dusty, I was choking on dust several times. Next morning I had sore throat, sinus was bothering me, I took over the counter melds, but about 3 days later. I started coughing green phlegm , had chills, nausea, just felt bad. Went to urgent care, gave me inhaler and doxycycline , but about 6 days later, few worse. Went to my dr , put me on steroids another inhaler.said my chest sounded tight. I do have copd, haven t had any problem with my 02 seats staying up, usually 95-96. But I have a pulse ox so I checked it. It was 88, even at dr office it was 95. I checked it frequently, at times it was 86,went back to dr, she checked it while I was sitting , was 89, had nurse walk me around nurses station, was 87, so she ordered oxygen continuously , ct of chest, pulmonary function test, which I m doing mon and Tuesday . When the dr put me on doxycycline at first, I quit coughing up phlegm . But today I started coughing up lg amts of green phlegm again, I don t feel good.my sat drops without the oxygen. Sorry this is so long, my cough is coming from lungs, sounds bad. Question: can the dust I inhaled cause all these problems ? I think there s a good chance I have pneumonia., hopefully ct will show what s causing my low sats.