My husband has an enlarged prostate or something that is causing a blockage to make it difficult to urinate. They have given him medicine to take to help this. He is not taking it while we are trying to get pregnant, though. He has had this since he was 24 years old. He is now 34. Last year we got pregnant, but I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. The baby did not grow after 7 weeks, but we did see the heartbeat. We then got pregnant after trying for six months, and it resulted in an early miscarriage (5 weeks). I was tested and have Factor V Leiden (heterozygous) so the RE has given me Lovenox shots to take after ovulation to help with implantation. I have also been tested for everything possible, and all is normal with me (hormone levels, uterus shape, tubes clear, chromosomes, etc). My husband has not been tested for anything except to see that his chromosome makeup is normal. Should my husband be tested with a sperm analysis due to his enlarged prostate?