Hello dear,
Please first note the disadvantage of excessive masturbation:
1. Drowsiness
2. Weakness: due to loss of protein and calcium
Back pain, pelvic pain
4. Testicular pain
5. Rare: penile fracture
6. May be decreased sperm count
7. Psychological side effect
Advantage of masturbation:
1. Reduce depression
2. Releasing of endorphin: good for
prostate, decreased prostate cancer
Not necessary in all person this side effect will occur.
You should check your sperm count for confirmation, but i think it will be normal.
Your penis size depend on your body structure.
No any disadvantage of size of penis with sex means no relation between penis size and sex.
Skin on gland of penis is mobile, it will go downward and upward.
So no worry if you have pulled back skin, you can easily pull it front.
You decide in which position you are comfortable.
You can do moderate masturbation (once in a 4-5 days.)
And no problem in future
Hope this may help you.
Wish you good health
Best regards
Dr. Sagar