Hello, sinteeuh,
Acute Hepatitis caused by Type- A virus can be contracted through
eating contaminated food or drinks. This was used to be called
Infectious Hepatitis ". Usual symptoms are the kind of symtoms
that you experienced. Usually this is self limited in most people
and does not require any special medications. Your doctor is ordering
Hepatitis profile for the major Hepatitis viruses ,A ,B , & C types.
I have a strong feeling what you have is Type-A and you will
recover completely.I want you to think back and see what you
might have had, may be in a restaurant or at a picnic .
You will have to dig deep and find out if any of your friends or
family members that ate at the same place had similar problems.
I am sure when you see your doctor for results, he will reassure you.
In the mean time, start taking some good B-Complex Vitamin supplement
and 1000mg. of Vit-C and eat a good high protein diet.
I wish you well.