i am 34 years old i have low grade fever for more than two months first i was said i have viral fever i took medication levomax 500 for 7 days , the fever ding go then i was said about sinocitus they gound a layer of mucolyte gave me medication for ten days and then also fever dint go then i took augmentin 625 there was no respite then i was dignosed typhoid weak in typhi check ana test was negative but hlab27 was positive i was 10 days medication for typhoid but i have the same situation 99.2 fever and fatigue , i have been tested for hiv , mine rbc is 5.42,pcv 42.5,mcv 78.41,rdw 15.0., haemoglobin 12.7 , mch 23.43,mchc29.88,platelets 259,mean pl volume 7.1 , wbc 8.2 ,,
neutro 63, lympho 28 , eosinphils05, monocytes,04 basophils 0 , rbc morphology normocytic normochromic , wbc morpholgy no ,glycoclated heamoglobin 7.4 , blood pressure 150/90 weaight 138 , hieght 6feet