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High BP over a long time definitely leads to damage of other organs called as target organs. The target organs include the heart, eye,
kidney, brain. Uncontrolled high BP can cause rupture of the blood vessels supplying the brain and cause a
stroke. It can also cause strain on the heart muscle since the heart pumps more vigorously leading to heart muscle enlargement and later symptoms of
heart failure. It can cause damage to the retina of the eye, loss of vision and
retinal detachment.
It can cause damage to the kidney filtration membrane leading to protein loss,
electrolyte imbalance and subsequent kidney failure.
These are some of the important complications that can be caused by uncontrolled high BP over a long time.
Except for a stroke, which can happen when BP is too high and some blood vessel in brain ruptures, other organ damages take a long standing high BP to happen.
Your BP is high but not very high and the risk of complications at this point is unlikely. However if it continues to be high over a period of time, it will lead to complications.
You can try diet modifications, restricting salt in diet, exercise etc to control your blood pressure. It will take around 3 months for these measures to take full effects. If despite these measures BP remains persistently higher, then you should be started on tablets. You should not rely on beetroot or apple or any other food only to control your blood pressure.Wishing you good health.