Hello Docs, Iam 42 year old male, non smoker, occasionally have few drinks, little over weight. Lately i was feeling tired and fatigued all the time with no energy to exercise. My doc did full bloodwork for thyroid, hemoglobin, testrone, liver, kidney and iron and vitamin D. My testrone level came in at 192, he referred me to Endcronlogist, she told me to get blood work for pituitary gland and testrone, but night before the test I had taken cilias and testrone level came at 392. I saw her after coming back from week gateway in Mexico. She felt that number might have been elevated due to Cialis or lab screwed up. She suggested I get my test at docs/GP office and this time number came at 505. My question is why did the number flactuate so much. It has been about a month since I took the last test and besides the initial symptoms, my libido is completely gone now. Could it be vitamin d due to staying in sun all week in Mexico caused the number to go up. Please advise, I miss having my labido.